
Criminal Street Gangs: The Most Dangerous Game

We all encounter criminal street gang members on the job and it’s a very dangerous part of what we do. This dynamic 8-hour course will equip participants with the skills necessary to identify and interact more safely with gang members.

This course will include: classroom instruction, small/large group work, scenario-based role play exercises including handcuffing/detainment considerations, characteristics of armed individuals, officer safety considerations, discussion of various ways to identify gang members, discussion of pre-attack indicators, stress recognition, review of updated gang statutes, discussion of the dangers of supervising gang members, BWC video review of incidents involving weapons, review of several case studies, and more. You owe it to yourself and your partners to attend this course.


This course will be delivered in 8 hours, or in greater detail in a 1-2 day training academy, depending on the organizational need.

This training is designed for line staff, and first level supervisors in Law Enforcement, Probation, Community Corrections, Parole, Court Officers, Security, and Business Personnel.