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The Will To Survive

Throughout this training we will discuss numerous critical incidents involving Law Enforcement Officers. This course is designed to learn from these incidents to increase officer safety, confidence, and decision making abilities under stress.

A professional response to a critical incident requires training and examination of past incidents. To enroll, click here.


This course will be delivered in 4 hours, or in greater detail in a 1-2 day training academy, depending on the organizational need.

This training is designed for line staff, first level and upper level supervisors in Law Enforcement, Probation, Community Corrections, Parole, Court Officers, and Security.



“This has really opened my eyes!” - Kathryn

“This training reignited the fire and passion within me. I am grateful. - Antonia

“This is a must attend for everyone in our field! 10 out of 10!” - Alison

“The Will to Survive shocked me! This is the training that everyone needs!” - Chad

“Everyone in the law enforcement and corrections field needs this training.” - Katie